Temporal Types: Alphanumeric Operations

Mathematical Operations

  • +: Temporal addition

  • -: Temporal subtraction

  • *: Temporal multiplication

  • /: Temporal division

  • abs: Return the absolute value of a temporal number

  • deltaValue: Return the value difference between consecutive instants of a temporal number

  • floor, ceil: Round down or up to the nearest integer

  • round: Round to a number of decimal places

  • degrees, radians: Convert to degrees or radians

  • derivative: Return the derivative over time of a temporal float in units per second

  • ln, log10: Return the natural and base 10 logarithm of a temporal float

  • exp: Return the exponential (e raised to the given power) of a temporal float

Boolean Operations

  • &: Temporal and

  • |: Temporal or

  • ~: Temporal not

  • whenTrue: Return the time when the temporal Boolean takes the value true

Text Operations