Package types

Interface TemporalObject

All Known Subinterfaces:
Base, Box, Time
All Known Implementing Classes:
dateset, datespan, datespanset, FloatSet, FloatSpan, FloatSpanSet, GeographySet, GeometrySet, GeoSet, IntSet, IntSpan, IntSpanSet, Set, Span, SpanSet, STBox, TBoolInst, TBoolSeq, TBoolSeqSet, TBox, Temporal, test, TextSet, TFloatInst, TFloatSeq, TFloatSeqSet, TGeogPointInst, TGeogPointSeq, TGeogPointSeqSet, TGeomPointInst, TGeomPointSeq, TGeomPointSeqSet, TInstant, TIntInst, TIntSeq, TIntSeqSet, TPointInst, TPointSeq, TPointSeqSet, TSequence, TSequenceSet, tstzset, tstzspan, tstzspanset, TTextInst, TTextSeq, TTextSeqSet

public interface TemporalObject
Interface used to link multiple types to a temporal object.
Nidhal Mareghni