Package types.boxes

Class STBox

All Implemented Interfaces:
Box, TemporalObject

public class STBox extends Object implements Box
Class for representing a spatio-temporal box. Temporal bounds may be inclusive or exclusive.
     ``STBox`` objects can be created with a single argument of type string as in MobilityDB.
         >>> STBox('STBOX ZT(((1.0,2.0,3.0),(4.0,5.0,6.0)),[2001-01-01, 2001-01-02])')
     Another possibility is to provide the different dimensions with the corresponding parameters:
         - ``xmin``, ``xmax``, ``ymin``, ``ymax`` for spatial dimension
         - ``zmin``, ``zmax`` for the third spatial dimension
         - ``tmin``, ``tmax`` for temporal dimension
         - ``tmin_inc``, ``tmax_inc`` to specify if the temporal bounds are inclusive or exclusive
         - ``geodetic`` to specify if the spatial dimension is geodetic
         - ``srid`` to specify the spatial reference system identifier
Note that at least the 2D spatial dimension or the temporal dimension must be provided.

>>> STBox(xmin=1.0, xmax=4.0, ymin=2.0, ymax=5.0, tmin=datetime(2001, 1, 1), tmax=datetime(2001, 1, 2))

  • Field Details

    • tMin

      private final OffsetDateTime tMin
    • tMax

      private final OffsetDateTime tMax
    • isGeodetic

      private boolean isGeodetic
    • srid

      private final int srid
      See Also:
    • _inner

      private jnr.ffi.Pointer _inner
    • tmin_inc

      private boolean tmin_inc
    • tmax_inc

      private boolean tmax_inc
  • Constructor Details

    • STBox

      public STBox()
      The default constructor
    • STBox

      public STBox(jnr.ffi.Pointer inner)
    • STBox

      public STBox(jnr.ffi.Pointer inner, boolean tmin_inc, boolean tmax_inc, boolean geodetic)
    • STBox

      public STBox(String value)
      The string constructor
      value - - STBox value
    • STBox

      public STBox(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax, LocalDateTime tmin, LocalDateTime tmax, boolean tmin_inc, boolean tmax_inc, boolean geodetic)
      Constructor with x,y,z coordinates and LocalDateTime values.
      xmin - x minimum float value
      xmax - x maximum float value
      ymin - y minimum float value
      ymax - y maximum float value
      zmin - z minimum float value
      zmax - z maximum float value
      tmin - LocalDateTime minimum value
      tmax - LocalDateTime maximum value
      tmin_inc - tmin boolean inclusion
      tmax_inc - tmax boolean inclusion
      geodetic - boolean geodetic
    • STBox

      public STBox(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, LocalDateTime tmin, LocalDateTime tmax)
      Constructor without the z coordinate
      xmin - y minimum float value
      xmax - y maximum float value
      ymin - z minimum float value
      ymax - z maximum float value
      tmin - LocalDateTime minimum value
      tmax - LocalDateTime maximum value
    • STBox

      public STBox(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax)
      Constructor without the LocalDateTime aspect (equivalent to a TBox)
      xmin -
      xmax -
      ymin -
      ymax -
      zmin -
      zmax -
    • STBox

      public STBox(float xmin, float xmax, LocalDateTime tmin, LocalDateTime tmax)
      Constructor only with x coordinates and temporal dimension
      xmin -
      xmax -
      tmin -
      tmax -
  • Method Details

    • _get_box

      public STBox _get_box(TemporalObject other)
    • _get_box

      public STBox _get_box(Object other, boolean allow_space_only, boolean allow_time_only)
      Factory method to create new STBox objects
      other - a temporal object
      allow_space_only - boolean space dimension
      allow_time_only - boolean time dimension
      a new STBox object
    • copy

      public STBox copy()
      Returns a copy of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_copy
    • Returns:
      a STBox instance
    • from_hexwkb

      public static STBox from_hexwkb(String hexwkb)
      Returns a "STBox" from its WKB representation in hex-encoded ASCII.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_from_hexwkb
    • Parameters:
      hexwkb - WKB representation in hex-encoded ASCII
      a new STBox instance
    • from_geometry

      public static STBox from_geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geom, boolean geodetic)
      Returns a "STBox" from a "Geometry".

      MEOS Functions:

    • gserialized_in, geo_to_stbox
    • Parameters:
      geom - A `Geometry` instance.
      geodetic - Whether to create a geodetic or geometric `STBox`.
      a new STBox instance
    • from_geometry

      public static STBox from_geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geom)
    • from_time

      public static STBox from_time(Time other)
      Returns a "STBox" from a "Time" instance.

      MEOS Functions:

      • timestamp_to_stbox
      • tstzspanset_to_stbox
      • tstzset_to_stbox
      • tstzspan_to_stbox
      other - a Time instance
      a new STBox instance
    • from_geometry_datetime

      public static STBox from_geometry_datetime(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry, LocalDateTime datetime, boolean geodetic)
      Returns a "STBox" from a space and time dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • geo_timestamp_to_stbox
    • geo_tstzset_to_stbox
    • Parameters:
      geometry - A Geometry instance representing the space dimension.
      datetime - A `Time instance representing the time dimension.
      geodetic - Whether to create a geodetic or geometric "STBox".
      A new STBox instance.
    • from_geometry_tstzspan

      public static STBox from_geometry_tstzspan(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry geometry, tstzset tstzset, boolean geodetic)
      Returns a "STBox" from a space and time dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • geo_timestamp_to_stbox
    • geo_tstzset_to_stbox
    • Parameters:
      geometry - A Geometry instance representing the space dimension.
      tstzset - A `tstzset instance representing the time dimension.
      geodetic - Whether to create a geodetic or geometric "STBox".
      A new STBox instance.
    • from_tpoint

      public static STBox from_tpoint(TPoint temporal)
      Returns the bounding box of a "TPoint" instance as an "STBox".

      . MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_to_stbox
    • Parameters:
      temporal - A TPoint instance.
      A new STBox instance.
    • toString

      public String toString(int max_decimals)
      Returns a string representation of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_out
    • Parameters:
      max_decimals - number of decimals
      a String instance
    • to_tstzspan

      public tstzset to_tstzspan()
      Returns the temporal dimension of "this" as a "tstzset" instance.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_to_tstzset
    • Returns:
      a new tstzset instance
    • to_geometry

      public org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry to_geometry(int precision) throws
      Returns the spatial dimension of "this" as a Geometry instance.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_to_geo
    • Parameters:
      precision - The precision of the geometry coordinates.
      A new Geometry instance.
    • has_xy

      public boolean has_xy()
      Returns whether "this" has a spatial (XY) dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_hasx
    • Returns:
      True if "this" has a spatial dimension, False otherwise.
    • has_z

      public boolean has_z()
      Returns whether "this" has a Z dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_hasz
    • Returns:
      True if "this" has a Z dimension, False otherwise.
    • has_t

      public boolean has_t()
      Returns whether "this" has a time dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_hast
    • Returns:
      True if "this" has a time dimension, False otherwise.
    • geodetic

      public boolean geodetic()
      Returns whether "this" is geodetic.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_isgeodetic
    • Returns:
      True if "this" is geodetic, False otherwise.
    • xmin

      public float xmin()
      Returns the minimum X coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_xmin
    • Returns:
      A Float with the minimum X coordinate of "this".
    • ymin

      public float ymin()
      Returns the minimum Y coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_ymin
    • Returns:
      A Float with the minimum Y coordinate of "this".
    • zmin

      public float zmin()
      Returns the minimum Z coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_zmin
    • Returns:
      A Float with the minimum Z coordinate of "this".
    • tmin

      public float tmin()
      Returns the minimum T coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_tmin
    • Returns:
      A Float with the minimum T coordinate of "this".
    • xmax

      public float xmax()
      Returns the maximum X coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_xmax
    • Returns:
      A Float with the maximum X coordinate of "this".
    • ymax

      public float ymax()
      Returns the maximum Y coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_ymax
    • Returns:
      A Float with the maximum Y coordinate of "this".
    • zmax

      public float zmax()
      Returns the maximum Z coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_zmax
    • Returns:
      A Float with the maximum Z coordinate of "this".
    • tmax

      public float tmax()
      Returns the maximum T coordinate of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_tmax
    • Returns:
      A Float with the maximum T coordinate of "this".
    • get_tmin_inc

      public boolean get_tmin_inc()
    • get_tmax_inc

      public boolean get_tmax_inc()
    • getTMin

      public OffsetDateTime getTMin()
    • getTMax

      public OffsetDateTime getTMax()
    • isGeodetic

      public boolean isGeodetic()
    • getSrid

      public int getSrid()
    • get_inner

      public jnr.ffi.Pointer get_inner()
    • srid

      public int srid()
      Returns the SRID of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_srid
    • Returns:
      an Integer with the SRID of "this"
    • set_srid

      public STBox set_srid(int value)
      Returns a copy of "this" with the SRID set to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_set_srid
    • Parameters:
      value - The new SRID.
      a new STBox instance
    • get_space

      public STBox get_space()
      Get the spatial dimension of "this", removing the temporal dimension if any

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_get_space
    • Returns:
      A new STBox instance.
    • expand_stbox

      public STBox expand_stbox(STBox stbox, STBox other)
      Expands "this" with "other". If "other" is a Integer or a Float, the result is equal to "this" but with the spatial dimensions expanded by "other" in all directions. If "other" is a Duration, the result is equal to "this" but with the temporal dimension expanded by `other` in both directions.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_expand_space
    • stbox_expand_time
    • Parameters:
      stbox - The object to expand "this" with.
      other - The object to expand "this" with.
      A new STBox instance.
    • expand_numerical

      public STBox expand_numerical(Number value)
      Expands "this" with "other". If "other" is a Integer or a Float, the result is equal to "this" but with the spatial dimensions expanded by "other" in all directions. If "other" is a Duration, the result is equal to "this" but with the temporal dimension expanded by `other` in both directions.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_expand_space
    • stbox_expand_time
    • Parameters:
      value - The value to expand with
      A new STBox instance.
    • round

      public STBox round(int maxdd)
      Returns "this" rounded to the given number of decimal digits.

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_round
    • Parameters:
      maxdd - Maximum number of decimal digits.
      a new STBox instance
    • union

      public STBox union(STBox other, boolean strict)
      Returns the union of "this" with "other". Fails if the union is not contiguous.

      MEOS Functions:

    • union_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - spatiotemporal box to merge with
      strict - included or not
      a new STBox instance
    • add

      public STBox add(STBox other)
      Returns the union of "this" with "other". Fails if the union is not contiguous.

      MEOS Functions:

    • union_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - spatiotemporal box to merge with
      a new STBox instance
    • intersection

      public STBox intersection(STBox other)
      Returns the intersection of "this" with "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • intersection_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - temporal object to merge with
      a new STBox instance if the instersection is not empty, `None` otherwise.
    • mul

      public STBox mul(STBox other)
      Returns the intersection of "this" with "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • intersection_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - temporal object to merge with
      a new STBox instance if the instersection is not empty, `None` otherwise.
    • is_adjacent

      public boolean is_adjacent(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether ``self`` and `other` are adjacent. Two spatiotemporal boxes are adjacent if they share n dimensions and the intersection is of at most n-1 dimensions. Note that for `TPoint` instances, the bounding box of the temporal point is used.

      MEOS Functions:

    • adjacent_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The other spatiotemporal object to check adjacency with "this".
      "true" if "this" and "other" are adjacent, "false" otherwise.
    • is_contained_in

      public boolean is_contained_in(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is contained in "other". Note that for "TPoint" instances, the bounding box of the temporal point is used.

      MEOS Functions:

    • contained_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to check containment with "this.
      "true" if "this" is contained in "other", "false" otherwise.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" contains `content`. Note that for "TPoint" instances, the bounding box of the temporal point is used.

      MEOS Functions:

    • contains_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to check containment with "this".
      "true" if "this" contains "other", "false otherwise.
    • overlaps

      public boolean overlaps(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" overlaps "other". Note that for "TPoint" instances, the bounding box of the temporal point is used.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overlaps_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to check overlap with "this".
      "true" if "this" overlaps "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_same

      public boolean is_same(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is the same as "other". Note that for "TPoint" instances, the bounding box of the temporal point is used.

      MEOS Functions:

    • same_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to check equality with "this".
      "true" if "this" is the same as "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_left

      public boolean is_left(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is strictly to the left of "other". Checks the X dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • left_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly to the left of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_left

      public boolean is_over_or_left(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is to the left "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend to the right of "other. Checks the X dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overleft_stbox_stbox, tpoint_to_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is to the left of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_right

      public boolean is_right(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is strictly to the right of "other". Checks the X dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • right_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly to the right of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_right

      public boolean is_over_or_right(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is to the right of "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend to the left of "other". Checks the X dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overright_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is to the right of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_below

      public boolean is_below(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is strictly below "other". Checks the Y dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • below_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly below of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_below

      public boolean is_over_or_below(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is below "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend above "other". Checks the Y dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overbelow_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is below "other" allowing for overlap, "false" otherwise.
    • is_above

      public boolean is_above(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is strictly above "other". Checks the Y dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • above_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly above of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_above

      public boolean is_over_or_above(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is above "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend below "other". Checks the Y dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overabove_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is above "other" allowing for overlap, "false" otherwise.
    • is_front

      public boolean is_front(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is strictly in front of "other". Checks the Z dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • front_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly in front of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_front

      public boolean is_over_or_front(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is in front of "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend behind "other". Checks the Z dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overfront_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is in front of "other" allowing for overlap, "false" otherwise.
    • is_behind

      public boolean is_behind(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is strictly behind "other". Checks the Z dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • back_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly behind of "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_behind

      public boolean is_over_or_behind(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether "this" is behind "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend in front of "other". Checks the Z dimension.

      MEOS Functions:

    • overback_stbox_stbox
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is behind of "other" allowing for overlap, "false" otherwise.
    • is_before

      public boolean is_before(TemporalObject other) throws Exception
      Returns whether "this" is strictly before "other". Checks the time dimension.

      See Also: tstzset.is_before(TemporalObject)

      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly before "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_before

      public boolean is_over_or_before(TemporalObject other) throws Exception
      Returns whether "this" is before "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this" does not extend after "other". Checks the time dimension.

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_before(TemporalObject)

      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is before "other" allowing for overlap, "false" otherwise.
    • is_after

      public boolean is_after(TemporalObject other) throws Exception
      Returns whether "this" is strictly after "other". Checks the time dimension.

      See Also: tstzset.is_after(TemporalObject)

      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is strictly after "other", "false" otherwise.
    • is_over_or_after

      public boolean is_over_or_after(TemporalObject other) throws Exception
      Returns whether "this" is after "other" allowing for overlap. That is, "this does not extend before "other". Checks the time dimension.

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_after(TemporalObject)

      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is after "other" allowing for overlap, "false" otherwise.
    • nearest_approach_distance_geom

      public float nearest_approach_distance_geom(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry other)
      Returns the distance between the nearest points of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • nad_stbox_geo
      • nad_stbox_stbox
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      a Float instance with the distance between the nearest points of "this" and "``other``".
    • nearest_approach_distance_stbox

      public float nearest_approach_distance_stbox(STBox other)
      Returns the distance between the nearest points of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • nad_stbox_geo
      • nad_stbox_stbox
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      a Float instance with the distance between the nearest points of "this" and "``other``".
    • nearest_approach_distance_tpoint

      public float nearest_approach_distance_tpoint(TPoint other)
      Returns the distance between the nearest points of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • nad_stbox_geo
      • nad_stbox_stbox
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      a Float instance with the distance between the nearest points of "this" and "``other``".
    • eq

      public boolean eq(Box other)
      Returns whether "this" is equal to "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_eq
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is equal to "other", "false" otherwise.
    • notEquals

      public boolean notEquals(Box other)
      Returns whether "this" is not equal to "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_ne
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is not equal to "other", "false" otherwise.
    • lessThan

      public boolean lessThan(Box other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether "this" is less than "other". Compares first the SRID, then the time dimension, and finally the spatial dimension (X, then Y then Z lower bounds and then the upper bounds).

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_lt
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is less than "other", "false" otherwise.
    • lessThanOrEqual

      public boolean lessThanOrEqual(Box other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether "this" is less than or equal to "other". Compares first the SRID, then the time dimension, and finally the spatial dimension (X, then Y then Z lower bounds and then the upper bounds).

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_le
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is less than or equal "other", "false" otherwise.
    • greaterThan

      public boolean greaterThan(Box other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether "this" is greater than "other". Compares first the SRID, then the time dimension, and finally the spatial dimension (X, then Y then Z lower bounds and then the upper bounds).

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_gt
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is greater "other", "false" otherwise.
    • greaterThanOrEqual

      public boolean greaterThanOrEqual(Box other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether "this" is greater than or equal to "other". Compares first the SRID, then the time dimension, and finally the spatial dimension (X, then Y then Z lower bounds and then the upper bounds).

      MEOS Functions:

    • stbox_ge
    • Parameters:
      other - The spatiotemporal object to compare with "this".
      "true" if "this" is greater or equal "other", "false" otherwise.
    • to_period

      public tstzspan to_period()
      Specified by:
      to_period in interface Box
    • quad_split_flat

      public List<STBox> quad_split_flat()
      Returns a list of 4 (or 8 if `self`has Z dimension) :class:`STBox` instances resulting from the quad split of ``self``.

      Indices of returned array are as follows (back only present if Z dimension is present):

      >>> # (front) (back)
      >>> # ------------- -------------
      >>> # | 2 | 3 | | 6 | 7 |
      >>> # ------------- + -------------
      >>> # | 0 | 1 | | 4 | 5 |
      >>> # ------------- -------------

      A :class:`list` of :class:`STBox` instances.

      MEOS Functions:

    • quad_split

      public List<List<List<STBox>>> quad_split()
      Returns a 2D (YxX) or 3D (ZxYxX) list of :class:`STBox` instances resulting from the quad split of ``self``.

      Indices of returned array are as follows:

      >>> # (front)
      >>> # -------------------
      >>> # | [1][0] | [1][1] |
      >>> # -------------------
      >>> # | [0][0] | [0][1] |
      >>> # -------------------

      If Z dimension is present:
      >>> # (front) (back)
      >>> # ------------------------- -------------------------
      >>> # | [0][1][0] | [0][1][1] | | [1][1][0] | [1][1][1] |
      >>> # ------------------------- + -------------------------
      >>> # | [0][0][0] | [0][0][1] | | [1][0][0] | [1][0][1] |
      >>> # ------------------------- -------------------------

      A 2D or 3D :class:`list` of :class:`STBox` instances.

      MEOS Functions: