Interface TFloat

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TFloatInst, TFloatSeq, TFloatSeqSet

public interface TFloat extends TNumber
Class that represents the MobilityDB type TFloat used for TFloatInst, TFloatSeq and TFloatSeqSet
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getNumberInner

      jnr.ffi.Pointer getNumberInner()
      Specified by:
      getNumberInner in interface TNumber
    • getCustomType

      String getCustomType()
      Specified by:
      getCustomType in interface TNumber
    • getTemporalType

      TemporalType getTemporalType()
      Specified by:
      getTemporalType in interface TNumber
    • from_base_temporal

      default TFloat from_base_temporal(float value, Temporal base, TInterpolation interp)
      Returns a new temporal float with the value "value" and the temporal frame of "base".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_from_base_temp
    • Parameters:
      value - Value of the temporal float.
      base - Temporal object to get the temporal frame from.
      interp - Interpolation of the temporal float.
      A new Float object.
    • from_base_time

      static TFloat from_base_time(float value, Time base, TInterpolation interpolation)
      Returns a new temporal float with the value "value" and the temporal frame of "base".

      MEOS Functions:

      • tfloatinst_make
      • tfloatseq_from_base_timestampset
      • tfloatseq_from_base_time
      • tfloatseqset_from_base_time
      value - Value of the temporal float.
      base - Time object to get the temporal frame from.
      interpolation - Interpolation of the temporal float.
      A new temporal float.
    • from_mfjson

      default TFloat from_mfjson(String mfjson)
      Returns a temporal object from a MF-JSON string. Args: mfjson: The MF-JSON string. Returns: A temporal object from a MF-JSON string. MEOS Functions: tfloat_from_mfjson
    • to_string

      default String to_string(int max_decimals)
      Returns a string representation of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_out
    • Parameters:
      max_decimals -
      A string representation of "this".
    • as_wkt

      default String as_wkt(int max_decimals)
      Returns a string representation of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_out
    • Parameters:
      max_decimals -
      A string representation of "this".
    • to_tint

      default TInt to_tint()
      Returns a new temporal integer with the values of "this" floored. This operation can only be performed when the interpolation is stepwise or discrete.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_to_tint
    • Raises: ValueError: If the interpolation is linear.
      A new temporal integer.
    • to_floatrange

      default FloatSpan to_floatrange()
      Returns value span of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tnumber_to_span
    • Returns:
      An FloatSpan with the value span of "this".
    • value_span

      default FloatSpan value_span()
      Returns the value span of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tnumber_to_span
    • Returns:
      An FloatSpan with the value span of `self`.
    • value_spans

      default FloatSpanSet value_spans()
      Returns the value spans of `self` taking into account gaps. Returns: A :class:`FloatSpanSet` with the value spans of `self`. MEOS Functions: tnumber_valuespans
    • start_value

      default float start_value()
      Returns the start value of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_start_value
    • Returns:
      A Float with the start value.
    • end_value

      default float end_value()
      Returns the end value of "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_end_value
    • Returns:
      A Float with the end value.
    • value_set

      default FloatSet value_set()
      Returns the set of values of `self`. Note that when the interpolation is linear, the set will contain only the waypoints. Returns: A :class:`set` with the values of `self`. MEOS Functions: tint_values
    • min_value

      default float min_value()
      Returns the minimum value of the "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_min_value
    • Returns:
      A Float with the minimum value.
    • max_value

      default float max_value()
      Returns the maximum value of the "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_max_value
    • Returns:
      A Float with the maximum value.
    • always_equal

      default boolean always_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are always equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are always equal to "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • always_not_equal

      default boolean always_not_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are always not equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are always not equal to "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • always_less

      default boolean always_less(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are always less than "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_lt
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are always less than "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • always_less_or_equal

      default boolean always_less_or_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are always less than or equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_le
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are always less than or equal to * "value", "False" otherwise.
    • always_greater_or_equal

      default boolean always_greater_or_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are always greater than or equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_lt
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are always greater than or equal to * "value", "False" otherwise.
    • always_greater

      default boolean always_greater(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are always greater than "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_le
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are always greater than "value", * " `False`" otherwise.
    • ever_less

      default boolean ever_less(float value)
      Returns whether the values of `self` are ever less than "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_lt
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are ever less than "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • ever_less_or_equal

      default boolean ever_less_or_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are ever less than or equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_le
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are ever less than or equal to * "value", "False" otherwise.
    • ever_equal

      default boolean ever_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are ever equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are ever equal to "value", "False" * otherwise.
    • ever_not_equal

      default boolean ever_not_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are ever not equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are ever not equal to "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • ever_greater_or_equal

      default boolean ever_greater_or_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are ever greater than or equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_lt
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are ever greater than or equal to * "value", "False" otherwise.
    • ever_greater

      default boolean ever_greater(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are ever greater than "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_le
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are ever greater than "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • never_equal

      default boolean never_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are never equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are never equal to "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • never_not_equal

      default boolean never_not_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are never not equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are never not equal to "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • never_less

      default boolean never_less(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are never less than "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_lt
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are never less than "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • never_less_or_equal

      default boolean never_less_or_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are never less than or equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_ever_le
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are never less than or equal to * "value", "False" otherwise.
    • never_greater_or_equal

      default boolean never_greater_or_equal(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are never greater than or equal to "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_lt
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this "are never greater than or equal to * "value", "False" otherwise.
    • never_greater

      default boolean never_greater(float value)
      Returns whether the values of "this" are never greater than "value".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_always_le
    • Parameters:
      value - Float to compare.
      "True" if the values of "this" are never greater than "value", * "False" otherwise.
    • temporal_equal

      default Temporal temporal_equal(Number other)
      Returns the temporal equality relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • teq_tfloat_float
    • teq_temporal_temporal
    • Parameters:
      other - An Integer, Float or temporal object to * compare to `self`.
      A Temporal with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • temporal_not_equal

      default Temporal temporal_not_equal(Number other)
      Returns the temporal not equal relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tne_tfloat_float
    • tne_temporal_temporal
    • Parameters:
      other - An Integer, Float or temporal object to * compare to `self`.
      A Temporal with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • temporal_less

      default Temporal temporal_less(Number other)
      Returns the temporal less than relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tlt_tfloat_float
    • tlt_temporal_temporal
    • Parameters:
      other - An Integer, Float or temporal object to * compare to `self`.
      A Temporal with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • temporal_less_or_equal

      default Temporal temporal_less_or_equal(Number other)
      Returns the temporal less or equal relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tle_tfloat_float
    • tle_temporal_temporal
    • Parameters:
      other - An Integer, Float or temporal object to * compare to `self`.
      A Temporal with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • temporal_greater_or_equal

      default Temporal temporal_greater_or_equal(Number other)
      Returns the temporal greater or equal relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tge_tfloat_float
    • tge_temporal_temporal
    • Parameters:
      other - An Integer, Float or temporal object to * compare to `self`.
      A Temporal with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • temporal_greater

      default Temporal temporal_greater(Number other)
      Returns the temporal greater than relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tgt_tfloat_float
    • tgt_temporal_temporal
    • Parameters:
      other - An Integer, Float or temporal object to * compare to `self`.
      A Temporal with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • value_at_timestamp

      default float value_at_timestamp(LocalDateTime ts)
      Returns the value that `self` takes at a certain moment. Args: timestamp: The moment to get the value. Returns: A class:`float` with the value of `self` at `timestamp`. MEOS Functions: tfloat_value_at_timestamp
    • derivative

      default TFloat derivative()
      Returns the derivative of `self`. Returns: A new :class:`TFloat` instance. MEOS Functions: tfloat_derivative
    • to_degrees

      default Temporal to_degrees(boolean normalize)
      Returns a copy of "this" converted from radians to degrees.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_degrees
    • Parameters:
      normalize - normalize: If True, the result will be normalized to the range [0, 360).
      A TFloat instance.
    • to_radians

      default Temporal to_radians()
      Returns a copy of this converted from degrees to radians.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_radians
    • Returns:
      A new TFloat instance.
    • round

      default Temporal round(int max_decimals)
      Returns "this" rounded to the given number of decimal digits.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tfloat_round
    • Parameters:
      max_decimals - Maximum number of decimal digits.
      A new TFloat instance.