Interface TBool

All Known Implementing Classes:
TBoolInst, TBoolSeq, TBoolSeqSet

public interface TBool
Class that represents the MobilityDB type TBool used for TBoolInst, TBoolSeq and TBoolSeqSet
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default boolean
    always_eq(boolean value)
    Returns whether "this" is always equal to "value".
    default TBool
    and(Object other)
    Returns the temporal conjunction of `this` and `other`.
    default String
    Returns the string representation of "this" in WKT format.
    default TBool
    at(boolean other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean with the values of "this" restricted to the time or value "other".
    default boolean
    Returns the ending value of "this".
    default boolean
    ever_eq(boolean value)
    Returns whether "this" is ever equal to "value".
    default TBool
    from_base_temporal(boolean value, Temporal base)
    Create a temporal Boolean from a Boolean value and the time frame of another temporal object.
    static Temporal
    from_base_time(boolean value, Time base)
    Create a temporal boolean from a boolean value and a time object.
    default TBool
    Returns a temporal object from a MF-JSON string.
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal negation of `self`.
    default TBool
    minus(boolean other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean with the values of "this" restricted to the complement of the time or value "other".
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal negation of `this`.
    default boolean
    never_eq(boolean value)
    Returns whether "this" is never equal to "value".
    default TBool
    or(Object other)
    Returns the temporal disjunction of `this` and `other`.
    default boolean
    Returns the starting value of "this".
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    temporal_and_bool(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    temporal_equal(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal equality relation between "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal negation of "this".
    default TBool
    temporal_not_equal(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal inequality relation between "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    temporal_or_bool(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".
    default String
    Returns the string representation of "this".
    default boolean
    Returns the value that `self` takes at a certain moment.
    default Set<Boolean>
    Returns the unique values in `self`.
    default tstzspanset
    Returns a period set with the periods where "this" is False.
    default tstzspanset
    Returns a period set with the periods where "this" is True.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getBoolInner

      jnr.ffi.Pointer getBoolInner()
    • getCustomType

      String getCustomType()
    • getTemporalType

      TemporalType getTemporalType()
    • from_base_temporal

      default TBool from_base_temporal(boolean value, Temporal base)
      Create a temporal Boolean from a Boolean value and the time frame of another temporal object.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tbool_from_base_temp
    • Parameters:
      value - Boolean value.
      base - Temporal object to use as time frame.
      A new :class:`TBool` object.
    • from_base_time

      static Temporal from_base_time(boolean value, Time base)
      Create a temporal boolean from a boolean value and a time object.

      MEOS Functions:

      • tboolinst_make
      • tboolseq_from_base_timestampset
      • tboolseq_from_base_period
      • tboolseqset_from_base_periodset
      value - Boolean value.
      base - Time object to use as temporal dimension.
      A new temporal boolean.
    • from_mfjson

      default TBool from_mfjson(String mfjson)
      Returns a temporal object from a MF-JSON string. Args: mfjson: The MF-JSON string. Returns: A temporal object from a MF-JSON string. MEOS Functions: tbool_from_mfjson
    • to_string

      default String to_string()
      Returns the string representation of "this".

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_out
    • Returns:
      Returns the string representation of "this"
    • as_wkt

      default String as_wkt()
      Returns the string representation of "this" in WKT format.

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_out
    • Returns:
      Returns the string representation of "this"
    • value_set

      default Set<Boolean> value_set()
      Returns the unique values in `self`. MEOS Function: tbool_values
    • start_value

      default boolean start_value()
      Returns the starting value of "this". MEOS Function:
    • tbool_start_value
    • Returns:
      Returns the starting value of "this".
    • end_value

      default boolean end_value()
      Returns the ending value of "this". MEOS Function:
    • tbool_end_value
    • Returns:
      Returns the ending value of "this".
    • value_at_timestamp

      default boolean value_at_timestamp(LocalDateTime ts)
      Returns the value that `self` takes at a certain moment. Args: timestamp: Timestamp to get the value at. Returns: The value at the given timestamp. MEOS Function: tbool_value_at_timestamptz
    • always_eq

      default boolean always_eq(boolean value)
      Returns whether "this" is always equal to "value".

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_always_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Value to check for.
      True if "this" is always equal to "value", False otherwise.
    • ever_eq

      default boolean ever_eq(boolean value)
      Returns whether "this" is ever equal to "value".

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_ever_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Value to check for.
      True if "this" is ever equal to "value", False otherwise.
    • never_eq

      default boolean never_eq(boolean value)
      Returns whether "this" is never equal to "value".

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_ever_eq
    • Parameters:
      value - Value to check for.
      True if "this" is never equal to "value", False otherwise.
    • temporal_equal

      default TBool temporal_equal(boolean other)
      Returns the temporal equality relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • teq_tbool_tbool
      • teq_temporal_temporal
      other - A temporal or boolean object to compare to "this".
      A TBool with the result of the temporal equality relation.
    • temporal_not_equal

      default TBool temporal_not_equal(boolean other)
      Returns the temporal inequality relation between "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • teq_tbool_tbool
      • teq_temporal_temporal
      other - A temporal or boolean object to compare to "this".
      A TBool with the result of the temporal inequality relation.
    • at

      default TBool at(boolean other)
      Returns a new temporal boolean with the values of "this" restricted to the time or value "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • tbool_at_value
      • temporal_at_timestamp
      • temporal_at_timestampset
      • temporal_at_period
      • temporal_at_periodset
      other - Time or value to restrict to.
      A new temporal boolean.
    • minus

      default TBool minus(boolean other)
      Returns a new temporal boolean with the values of "this" restricted to the complement of the time or value "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • tbool_minus_value
      • temporal_minus_timestamp
      • temporal_minus_timestampset
      • temporal_minus_period
      • temporal_minus_periodset
      other - Time or value to restrict to the complement of.
      A new temporal boolean.
    • temporal_and

      default TBool temporal_and(TBool other)
      Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tand_tbool_bool
    • tand_tbool_tbool
    • Parameters:
      other - A temporal or boolean object to combine with "this".
      A TBool with the temporal conjunction of "this" and * "other".
    • and

      default TBool and(Object other)
      Returns the temporal conjunction of `this` and `other`. Args: other: A temporal or boolean object to combine with `this`. Returns: A :class:`TBool` with the temporal conjunction of `this` and `other`. MEOS Functions: tand_tbool_bool, tand_tbool_tbool
    • temporal_and_bool

      default TBool temporal_and_bool(boolean other)
      Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tand_tbool_bool
    • tand_tbool_tbool
    • Parameters:
      other - A temporal or boolean object to combine with "this".
      A TBool with the temporal conjunction of "this" and * "other".
    • temporal_or

      default TBool temporal_or(TBool other)
      Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tor_tbool_bool
    • tor_tbool_tbool
    • Parameters:
      other - A temporal or boolean object to combine with "this".
      A TBool with the temporal disjunction of "this" and * "other".
    • or

      default TBool or(Object other)
      Returns the temporal disjunction of `this` and `other`. Args: other: A temporal or boolean object to combine with `this`. Returns: A :class:`TBool` with the temporal disjunction of `this` and `other`. MEOS Functions: tor_tbool_bool, tor_tbool_tbool
    • temporal_or_bool

      default TBool temporal_or_bool(boolean other)
      Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tor_tbool_bool
    • tor_tbool_tbool
    • Parameters:
      other - A temporal or boolean object to combine with "this".
      A TBool with the temporal disjunction of "this" and * "other".
    • temporal_not

      default TBool temporal_not()
      Returns the temporal negation of "this".

      MEOS Function:

    • tnot_tbool
    • Returns:
      A TBool with the temporal negation of "this".
    • when_true

      default tstzspanset when_true()
      Returns a period set with the periods where "this" is True.

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_when_true
    • Returns:
      A tstzspan with the periods where "this" is True.
    • when_false

      default tstzspanset when_false()
      Returns a period set with the periods where "this" is False.

      MEOS Function:

    • tbool_when_true
    • Returns:
      A tstzspan with the periods where "this" is False.
    • neg

      default TBool neg()
      Returns the temporal negation of `this`. Returns: A :class:`TBool` with the temporal negation of `this`. MEOS Function: tnot_tbool
    • invert

      default TBool invert()
      Returns the temporal negation of `self`. Returns: A :class:`TBool` with the temporal negation of `self`. MEOS Function: tnot_tbool