Uses of Interface

Packages that use TBool
  • Uses of TBool in types.basic.tbool

    Classes in types.basic.tbool that implement TBool
    Modifier and Type
    Temporal boolean instant class inherited from temporal instant.
    Temporal boolean sequence class inherited from temporal sequence.
    Temporal boolean sequence set class inherited from temporal sequence set.
    Methods in types.basic.tbool that return TBool
    Modifier and Type
    default TBool
    TBool.and(Object other)
    Returns the temporal conjunction of `this` and `other`.
    default TBool other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean with the values of "this" restricted to the time or value "other".
    default TBool
    TBool.from_base_temporal(boolean value, Temporal base)
    Create a temporal Boolean from a Boolean value and the time frame of another temporal object.
    default TBool
    TBool.from_mfjson(String mfjson)
    Returns a temporal object from a MF-JSON string.
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal negation of `self`.
    default TBool
    TBool.minus(boolean other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean with the values of "this" restricted to the complement of the time or value "other".
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal negation of `this`.
    default TBool
    TBool.or(Object other)
    Returns the temporal disjunction of `this` and `other`.
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_and(TBool other)
    Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_and_bool(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_equal(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal equality relation between "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    Returns the temporal negation of "this".
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_not_equal(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal inequality relation between "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_or(TBool other)
    Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_or_bool(boolean other)
    Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".
    Methods in types.basic.tbool with parameters of type TBool
    Modifier and Type
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_and(TBool other)
    Returns the temporal conjunction of "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TBool.temporal_or(TBool other)
    Returns the temporal disjunction of "this" and "other".
  • Uses of TBool in types.basic.tpoint

    Methods in types.basic.tpoint that return TBool
    Modifier and Type
    default TBool
    TPoint.disjoint(Object other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".
    default TBool
    TPoint.intersects(Object other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".
    default TBool
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point is contained by "other".
    default TBool
    TPoint.touches(Object other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point touches "other".
    default TBool
    TPoint.within_distance(Object other, float distance)
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point is within "distance" of "other".
  • Uses of TBool in types.basic.tpoint.tgeog

    Methods in types.basic.tpoint.tgeog that return TBool
    Modifier and Type
    default TBool
    TGeogPoint.temporal_equal(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point other)
    Returns the temporal equality relation between "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TGeogPoint.temporal_not_equal(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point other)
    Returns the temporal inequality relation between "this" and "other".
  • Uses of TBool in types.basic.tpoint.tgeom

    Methods in types.basic.tpoint.tgeom that return TBool
    Modifier and Type
    default TBool
    TGeomPoint.temporal_equal(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point other)
    Returns the temporal equality relation between "this" and "other".
    default TBool
    TGeomPoint.temporal_not_equal(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point other)
    Returns the temporal inequality relation between "this" and "other".