Interface TPoint

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
TGeogPoint, TGeomPoint
All Known Implementing Classes:
TGeogPointInst, TGeogPointSeq, TGeogPointSeqSet, TGeomPointInst, TGeomPointSeq, TGeomPointSeqSet, TPointInst, TPointSeq, TPointSeqSet

public interface TPoint extends Serializable
Class that represents the MobilityDB type TPoint used for TPointInst, TPointSeq and TPointSeqSet
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final Map<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer,Integer>,jnr.ffi.Pointer>
    Returns a new :class:`TPoint` of the same subclass of ``self`` transformed to another SRID Args: srid: The desired SRID Returns: A new :class:`TPoint` instance MEOS Functions: tpoint_transform
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default TFloatSeqSet
    Returns the angular_difference of the temporal point.
    default String
    as_ewkt(int decimals)
    Returns the temporal point as an EWKT string.
    default String
    as_geojson(int option, int precision, String srs)
    Returns the trajectory of the temporal point as a GeoJSON string.
    default String
    as_wkt(int decimals)
    Returns the temporal point as a WKT string.
    default TPoint
    at(Object other)
    Returns a new temporal object with the values of "this" restricted to "other".
    default TFloatSeqSet
    Returns the temporal azimuth of the temporal point.
    default TFloat
    bearing(TPoint other)
    Returns the temporal bearing between the temporal point and "other".
    default STBox
    Returns the bounding box of the "this".
    private jnr.ffi.Pointer
    createEmptyPointerArray(jnr.ffi.Runtime runtime, int length)
    Splits `self` into fragments with respect to space buckets Args: xsize: Size of the x dimension.
    default TFloat
    Returns the cumulative length of the trajectory.
    default TFloatSeqSet
    Returns the azimuth of the temporal point between the start and end locations.
    default TBool
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".
    default TFloat
    Returns the temporal distance between the temporal point and "other".
    default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point
    end_value(int precision)
    Returns the end value of the temporal point.
    default boolean
    Returns whether the temporal point ever intersects "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the temporal point ever touches "other".
    default STBox
    expand(float other)
    Expands "this" with "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the temporal point has a z coordinate.
    default TBool
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is above to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is behind to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is below to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the temporal point is ever contained by "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the temporal point is ever disjoint from "other".
    default boolean
    is_ever_within_distance(Object other, float distance)
    Returns whether the temporal point is ever within "distance" of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is front to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is left to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or above to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or behind to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or below to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or front to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or left to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or right to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is right to the bounding box of "other".
    default boolean
    Returns whether the temporal point is simple.
    default TBool
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point is contained by "other".
    default float
    Returns the length of the trajectory.
    default List<TPoint>
    Split the temporal point into a collection of simple temporal points.
    default TPoint
    minus(Object other)
    Returns a new temporal object with the values of "this" restricted to the complement of "other".
    default float
    Returns the nearest approach distance between the temporal point and "other".
    default TInstant
    Returns the nearest approach instant between the temporal point and "other".
    default TPoint
    round(int max_decimals)
    Round the coordinate values to a number of decimal places.
    default TPoint
    set_srid(int srid)
    Returns a new TPoint with the given SRID.
    default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry
    Returns the shortest line between the temporal point and `other`.
    default List<Temporal>
    space_split(Float xsize, Float ysize, Float zsize, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry origin, boolean bitmatrix, boolean include_border)
    default List<Temporal>
    space_time_split(Float xsize, Object duration, Float ysize, Float zsize, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry origin, Object time_start, boolean bitmatrix, boolean include_border)
    Splits `self` into fragments with respect to space and tstzspan buckets.
    default TFloat
    Returns the speed of the temporal point.
    default int
    Returns the SRID.
    default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point
    start_value(int precision)
    Returns the start value of the temporal point.
    default List<STBox>
    Returns a collection of :class:`STBox`es representing the bounding boxes of the segments of the temporal point.
    default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point
    time_weighted_centroid(int precision)
    Returns the time weighted centroid of the temporal point.
    default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry
    to_shapely_geometry(int precision)
    Returns the trajectory of the temporal point as a Shapely geometry.
    default String
    Returns the string representation of the temporal point.
    default TBool
    touches(Object other)
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point touches "other".
    default TPoint
    transform(int srid)
    default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point
    value_at_timestamp(LocalDateTime ts, int precision)
    Returns the value of the temporal point at the given timestamp.
    default List<TPoint>
    values(int precision)
    Returns the values of the temporal point.
    default TBool
    within_distance(Object other, float distance)
    Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point is within "distance" of "other".
    default TFloat
    Returns the x coordinate of the temporal point.
    default TFloat
    Returns the y coordinate of the temporal point.
    default TFloat
    Returns the z coordinate of the temporal point.
  • Field Details

    • projectionCache

      static final Map<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Integer,Integer>,jnr.ffi.Pointer> projectionCache
      Returns a new :class:`TPoint` of the same subclass of ``self`` transformed to another SRID Args: srid: The desired SRID Returns: A new :class:`TPoint` instance MEOS Functions: tpoint_transform
  • Method Details

    • getPointInner

      jnr.ffi.Pointer getPointInner()
    • getCustomType

      String getCustomType()
    • getTemporalType

      TemporalType getTemporalType()
    • to_string

      default String to_string()
      Returns the string representation of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_out
    • Returns:
      A new String representing the temporal point.
    • as_wkt

      default String as_wkt(int decimals)
      Returns the temporal point as a WKT string.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_out
    • Parameters:
      decimals - The precision of the returned geometry.
      A new String representing the temporal point.
    • as_ewkt

      default String as_ewkt(int decimals)
      Returns the temporal point as an EWKT string.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_as_ewkt
    • Parameters:
      decimals - The precision of the returned geometry.
      A new String representing the temporal point.
    • as_geojson

      default String as_geojson(int option, int precision, String srs)
      Returns the trajectory of the temporal point as a GeoJSON string.

      MEOS Functions:

    • gserialized_as_geojson
    • Parameters:
      option - The option to use when serializing the trajectory.
      precision - The precision of the returned geometry.
      srs - The spatial reference system of the returned geometry.
      A new GeoJSON string representing the trajectory of the temporal point.
    • to_shapely_geometry

      default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry to_shapely_geometry(int precision) throws
      Returns the trajectory of the temporal point as a Shapely geometry.

      MEOS Functions:

    • gserialized_to_shapely_geometry
    • Parameters:
      precision - The precision of the returned geometry.
      A new Geometry representing the * trajectory.
    • bounding_box_point

      default STBox bounding_box_point()
      Returns the bounding box of the "this".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_to_stbox
    • Returns:
      An STBox representing the bounding box.
    • values

      default List<TPoint> values(int precision)
      Returns the values of the temporal point. Returns: A :class:`list` of :class:`~shapely.geometry.Point` with the values. MEOS Functions: temporal_instants
    • start_value

      default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point start_value(int precision) throws
      Returns the start value of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_start_value
    • Parameters:
      precision - The precision of the returned point.
      A Point with the start value.
    • end_value

      default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point end_value(int precision) throws
      Returns the end value of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_end_value
    • Parameters:
      precision - The precision of the returned point.
      A Point with the end value.
    • value_at_timestamp

      default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point value_at_timestamp(LocalDateTime ts, int precision) throws
      Returns the value of the temporal point at the given timestamp. Args: timestamp: A :class:`datetime` representing the timestamp. precision: An :class:`int` representing the precision of the coordinates. Returns: A :class:`~shapely.geometry.Point` with the value. MEOS Functions: tpoint_value_at_timestamp
    • length

      default float length()
      Returns the length of the trajectory.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_length
    • Returns:
      A Float with the length of the trajectory.
    • cumulative_length

      default TFloat cumulative_length()
      Returns the cumulative length of the trajectory.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_cumulative_length
    • Returns:
      A TFloat with the cumulative length of the trajectory.
    • speed

      default TFloat speed()
      Returns the speed of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_speed
    • Returns:
      A TFloat with the speed of the temporal point.
    • x

      default TFloat x()
      Returns the x coordinate of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_get_x
    • Returns:
      A TFloat with the x coordinate of the temporal point.
    • y

      default TFloat y()
      Returns the y coordinate of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_get_y
    • Returns:
      A TFloat with the y coordinate of the temporal point.
    • z

      default TFloat z()
      Returns the z coordinate of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_get_z
    • Returns:
      A TFloat with the z coordinate of the temporal point.
    • has_z

      default boolean has_z()
      Returns whether the temporal point has a z coordinate.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_start_value
    • Returns:
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point has a z coordinate.
    • stboxes

      default List<STBox> stboxes()
      Returns a collection of :class:`STBox`es representing the bounding boxes of the segments of the temporal point. Returns: A :class:`list` of :class:`STBox`es. MEOS Functions: tpoint_stboxes
    • is_simple

      default boolean is_simple()
      Returns whether the temporal point is simple. That is, whether it does not self-intersect.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_is_simple
    • Returns:
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point is simple.
    • bearing

      default TFloat bearing(TPoint other)
      Returns the temporal bearing between the temporal point and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • bearing_tpoint_point
    • bearing_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check the bearing to.
      A new TFloat indicating the temporal bearing between the temporal point and "other".
    • direction

      default TFloatSeqSet direction()
      Returns the azimuth of the temporal point between the start and end locations.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_direction
    • Returns:
      A new TFloatSeqSet indicating the direction of the temporal point.
    • azimuth

      default TFloatSeqSet azimuth()
      Returns the temporal azimuth of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_azimuth
    • Returns:
      A new TFloatSeqSet indicating the temporal azimuth of the temporal point.
    • angular_difference

      default TFloatSeqSet angular_difference()
      Returns the angular_difference of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_angular_difference
    • Returns:
      A new TFloatSeqSet indicating the temporal angular_difference of the temporal point.
    • time_weighted_centroid

      default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Point time_weighted_centroid(int precision) throws
      Returns the time weighted centroid of the temporal point.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_twcentroid
    • Parameters:
      precision - The precision of the returned geometry.
      A new Geometry indicating the time weighted centroid of the temporal point.
    • srid

      default int srid()
      Returns the SRID.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_srid
    • Returns:
      An Integer representing the SRID.
    • set_srid

      default TPoint set_srid(int srid)
      Returns a new TPoint with the given SRID.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_set_srid
    • Parameters:
      srid - int value
      Returns a new TPoint with the given SRID.
    • round

      default TPoint round(int max_decimals)
      Round the coordinate values to a number of decimal places.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_round
    • Parameters:
      max_decimals - number of decimals
      A new TPoint object.
    • make_simple

      default List<TPoint> make_simple()
      Split the temporal point into a collection of simple temporal points. Returns: A :class:`list` of :class:`TPoint`es. MEOS Functions: tpoint_make_simple
    • expand

      default STBox expand(float other)
      Expands "this" with "other". The result is equal to "this" but with the spatial dimensions expanded by "other" in all directions.

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_expand_space
    • Parameters:
      other - The object to expand "this" with.
      A new STBox instance.
    • transform

      default TPoint transform(int srid)
    • at

      default TPoint at(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal object with the values of "this" restricted to "other".

      MEOS Functions:

      • tpoint_at_value
      • tpoint_at_stbox
      • temporal_at_values
      • temporal_at_timestamp
      • temporal_at_timestampset
      • temporal_at_tstzset
      • temporal_at_tstzsetset
      other - An object to restrict the values of "this" to.
      A new TPoint with the values of "this" restricted to "other".
    • minus

      default TPoint minus(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal object with the values of "this" restricted to the complement of "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tpoint_minus_value
    • tpoint_minus_stbox
    • temporal_minus_values
    • temporal_minus_timestamp
    • temporal_minus_timestampset
    • temporal_minus_tstzset
    • temporal_minus_tstzsetset
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to restrict the values of "this" to the complement of.
      A TPoint with the values of "this" restricted to the complement of "other".
    • is_left

      default boolean is_left(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is left to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_before(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if left, False otherwise.
    • is_over_or_left

      default boolean is_over_or_left(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or left to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_before(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if over or left, False otherwise.
    • is_right

      default boolean is_right(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is right to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_after(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if right, False otherwise.
    • is_over_or_right

      default boolean is_over_or_right(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or right to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_after(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if over or right, False otherwise.
    • is_below

      default boolean is_below(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is below to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_before(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if below, False otherwise.
    • is_over_or_below

      default boolean is_over_or_below(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or below to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_before(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if over or below, False otherwise.
    • is_above

      default boolean is_above(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is above to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_after(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if above, False otherwise.
    • is_over_or_above

      default boolean is_over_or_above(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or above to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_after(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if over or above, False otherwise.
    • is_front

      default boolean is_front(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is front to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_before(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if front, False otherwise.
    • is_over_or_front

      default boolean is_over_or_front(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or front to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_before(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if over or front, False otherwise.
    • is_behind

      default boolean is_behind(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is behind to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_after(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if behind, False otherwise.
    • is_over_or_behind

      default boolean is_over_or_behind(TemporalObject other)
      Returns whether the bounding box of "this" is over or behind to the bounding box of "other".

      See Also: tstzset.is_over_or_after(TemporalObject)

      other - A box or a temporal object to compare to "this".
      True if over or behind, False otherwise.
    • is_ever_contained_in

      default boolean is_ever_contained_in(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether the temporal point is ever contained by "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • econtains_geo_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for containing "this".
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point is ever contained by "other".
    • is_ever_disjoint

      default boolean is_ever_disjoint(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether the temporal point is ever disjoint from "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • edisjoint_tpoint_geo
    • edisjoint_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for disjointness with.
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point is ever disjoint from "other".
    • is_ever_within_distance

      default boolean is_ever_within_distance(Object other, float distance) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether the temporal point is ever within "distance" of "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • edwithin_tpoint_geo
    • edwithin_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check the distance to.
      distance - The distance to check in units of the spatial reference system.
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point is ever within "distance" of "other".
    • ever_intersects

      default boolean ever_intersects(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether the temporal point ever intersects "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • eintersects_tpoint_geo
    • eintersects_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for intersection with.
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point ever intersects "other".
    • ever_touches

      default boolean ever_touches(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns whether the temporal point ever touches "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • etouches_tpoint_geo
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for touching with.
      A Boolean indicating whether the temporal point ever touches "other".
    • is_spatially_contained_in

      default TBool is_spatially_contained_in(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point is contained by "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tcontains_geo_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for containing "this".
      A TBool indicating whether the temporal point is contained by "other".
    • disjoint

      default TBool disjoint(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tdisjoint_tpoint_geo
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for intersection with.
      A TBool indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".
    • within_distance

      default TBool within_distance(Object other, float distance) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point is within "distance" of "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tdwithin_tpoint_geo
    • tdwithin_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check the distance to.
      distance - The distance to check in units of the spatial reference system.
      A TBool indicating whether the temporal point is within "distance" of "other".
    • intersects

      default TBool intersects(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • tintersects_tpoint_geo
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for intersection with.
      A TBool indicating whether the temporal point intersects "other".
    • touches

      default TBool touches(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns a new temporal boolean indicating whether the temporal point touches "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • ttouches_tpoint_geo
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check for touching with.
      A TBool indicating whether the temporal point touches "other".
    • distance

      default TFloat distance(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns the temporal distance between the temporal point and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • distance_tpoint_point
    • distance_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check the distance to.
      A new TFloat indicating the temporal distance between the temporal point and "other".
    • nearest_approach_distance

      default float nearest_approach_distance(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns the nearest approach distance between the temporal point and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • nad_tpoint_geo
    • nad_tpoint_stbox
    • nad_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check the nearest approach distance to.
      A Float indicating the nearest approach distance between the temporal point and "other".
    • nearest_approach_instant

      default TInstant nearest_approach_instant(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException
      Returns the nearest approach instant between the temporal point and "other".

      MEOS Functions:

    • nai_tpoint_geo
    • nai_tpoint_tpoint
    • Parameters:
      other - An object to check the nearest approach instant to.
      A new temporal instant indicating the nearest approach instant between the temporal point and "other".
    • shortest_line

      default org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry shortest_line(Object other) throws OperationNotSupportedException,
      Returns the shortest line between the temporal point and `other`. Args: other: An object to check the shortest line to. Returns: A new :class:`~shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry` indicating the shortest line between the temporal point and `other`. MEOS Functions: shortestline_tpoint_geo, shortestline_tpoint_tpoint
    • createEmptyPointerArray

      private jnr.ffi.Pointer createEmptyPointerArray(jnr.ffi.Runtime runtime, int length)
      Splits `self` into fragments with respect to space buckets Args: xsize: Size of the x dimension. ysize: Size of the y dimension. zsize: Size of the z dimension. origin: The origin of the spatial tiling. If not provided, the origin will be (0, 0, 0). bitmatrix: If True, use a bitmatrix to speed up the process. include_border: If True, include the upper border in the box. Returns: A list of temporal points. MEOS Functions: tpoint_value_split
    • space_split

      default List<Temporal> space_split(Float xsize, Float ysize, Float zsize, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry origin, boolean bitmatrix, boolean include_border)
    • space_time_split

      default List<Temporal> space_time_split(Float xsize, Object duration, Float ysize, Float zsize, org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry origin, Object time_start, boolean bitmatrix, boolean include_border)
      Splits `self` into fragments with respect to space and tstzspan buckets. Args: xsize: Size of the x dimension. ysize: Size of the y dimension. zsize: Size of the z dimension. duration: Duration of the tstzspan buckets. origin: The origin of the spatial tiling. If not provided, the origin will be (0, 0, 0). time_start: Start time of the first tstzspan bucket. If None, the start time used by default is Monday, January 3, 2000. bitmatrix: If True, use a bitmatrix to speed up the process. include_border: If True, include the upper border in the box. Returns: A list of temporal floats. MEOS Functions: tfloat_value_time_split